Saturday, August 14, 2010


Soo I can pretty much say I probably spazzed out and over-reacted, but my feelings were just soo hurt and the last nerve I had had been plucked.  For like 3 months now I've had a broken printer..the stupid color cartridge won't work right.  I get an error message telling me something is wrong with it and it needs to be I follow the basic troubleshooting errors and it fixes it..or so i think..The error goes away, I reboot the printer it's still gone..I try to print..NOTHING. ...Stupid HP printer..The only other troubleshooting thing is to CLEAN the cartridge..but guess what I don't need color..I  just need black ink to print out a  recipe that i don't have time to copy down 'cause it's long and the stupid printer won't let me. It then spazzes out 'cause a color cartridge isn't in and won't let me print..still..irritating.  On top of that my laptop has windows 7 and this printer came out before windows 7 so I had to go round my tail to get to my elbow just to get it to install. I did that and it worked well enough until 3 months ago when that dumb error popped up.  I thought I fixed it because it worked, BUT when I went to print this morning stupid error comes back.  it's so hard to try to fix something when you have a 9 month old trying to get at your laptop an the printer WHILE you're trying to fix it.  Can we say short-temperment?  Wait, I didn't throw in he was throwing a tantrum because I kept telling him no..yep..for an hour..yep..@_@ I was ready to start tearing my hair out, ontop of that at this point my husband decides to text I have a stupid printer that I asked him to fix 3 months ago being a stinker a kid screaming and throwing a tantrum because I'm not letting him play with the printer and the laptop AND a husband (who is gone for 2 more weeks) texting me.  I could deal wiht the texts cause I didn't mind talking to him but it's hard enough to stay sane when you've got all that going on at once.  Soo I told him I was busy sry and that I was ready to kill our kid. NOT literally. But the printer was seriously bugging me because it just did not want to behave and kept saying offline, soo it's on my computer twice for whatever reason and when I clicked the "active" printer it tries to send a fax..don't ask me me I was ready to kill the thing.  ANYway, well my husbands responds with "hahaha what's he doing getting into everything?" Yep..I lost it.  I couldn't help it.  this is the man that can't stand our son crying at all..KNOWS it's been hell around our apt for the past week and what all Joseph has been doing...and he laughs..I flipped.  I told him it wasn't funny, that it was pretty irritating and that the printer was basically being a brat and not doing what i needed it to and that Joseph was throwing a tantrum and that he needed to realize it wasn't cute or funny and that he needed to back off.  Did I mention I spazzed?  Yes, I realize now I pretty much over-reacted. But I just couldn't help it.  His little response of "hahaha" just plucked my last nerve.  I was so mad at him for finding it humorous that I just snapped.  i sent him an audio clip of our kid screaming, and told him I don't care if he thought I had over-reacted that it kinda upset me that when he's stressing I have to leave him alone but when I'm stressing he can pick on me all he wants.  Did I mention last night we JUST had a convo about him picking on me so much?  That's his way of showing love he says, I told him that it's hard to associate something with love that has been associated with pain. Yes, I got teased and picked on a lot growing up.  AND I told him I didn't want anymore texts from him and not to expect a happy welcome home or the massage I told him I'd give him..yea..I lost it.  I regret it slightly now, but my feelings were (and still are a little) just so hurt.  It was like of all the nerve, and it didn't help that he was the one that was supposed to have fixed it anyway.  Electronics and I don't get along.  usually when they break, it's on me, and they don't like for me to fix them..I don't know why.  I mean it's hard to explain (unless you've been in a similar situation) how frustrating it is when you need the printer to work (and I do, I actually have some important stuff I need to print out, just NOT in color), it's not working and no matter what you do it doesn't want to, then to top it off you're fighting your child to keep them away and when  you nicely tell them no and move them away from the object they begin to cry as if you had beaten them and throw a tantrum.  I was losing my patience, but keeping it under control.  And not with my son, but with the printer.  Joseph was just being innocently curious because mommy was playing with something that made noise and he wanted to investigate. It was the p.o.s printer that wanted to be a brat and not do what i needed it to.  Soo my husband texts me and i respond with busy thinking he'll realize he needs to just let me go..NOPE.. Part of me wants to text him I'm sorry I over-reacted but another part of me is like "No, I've told him time and time again that kinda stuff isn't funny" And it just really gets to me because he has little to no patience once our kid starts to scream and hasn't even had to spend one full day at our kids beck and call. I've done a week.  And to top that off Joseph is teething right now so he's extra onry and the slightest thing sometimes can send him into screams and sobs just because of how sleepy and irritable he is.  I'm just so hurt by it because to me I feel he was being insensitive.  it's not like he doesn't realize those responses frustrate me, because he knows.  He told me that it was funny how now all of a sudden having been away from Joseph all the little things that irritated him he finds cute.  So knowing that, and seeing his response. i wanted to smack him and go "oh yea so cute, you come try this and tell me how cute it is"  My husband has not had to go one day without me being there to help him out concerning our son..and a lot of this could have been prevented had he just fixed it..BUT I messaged him told him I was sry I overreacted and that he had hurt my feelings and they still were..I'm just so over it..between these past two days I'm ready to become a missing person...

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