Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Helpful Hints

So, I'm sure you read my purpose post, now it's time for one that provides some hints.  I've come across many a long the way and hopefully some I post here will help out others.
1-Mind over matter- If you're not really dedicated to changing it won't happen
2-Get into a routine- Once you've decided you want to get healthier find a routine and stick to it.  We all have off days, but don't let those off days become weeks or months.
3-Mistakes happen- Don't beat yourself up because you gave into temptation. It happens, let it go and watch more closely next time.
4-Be real- Set realistic goals. Don't think you're going to reach your goal in a month.  Start out small and work your way up.
5-Be honest with yourself- If you're a snacker and you know it, get healthy snacks.  Don't tell yourself "It's okay if I eat an extra doughnut today, I'll work extra hard tomorrow. If that isn't true, skip the doughnut.
6-Don't sell yourself short-If you know you can do 20 sit ups no problem push for 25.  The only way you'll see results is if you push yourself just a little bit past your comfort zone.
So lets do a small re-cap.  Don't cut out EVERY un-healthy thing in your diet.  Start out small, what I did was I cut down to smaller portions, once I got that down I cut out soda (which believe it or not helps a lot as carbonation causes bloating), once I got the soda down I cut back on my snacking, once that was done I began to eat slower.  It's all small things that add up to big results. 
Do I still drink soda? On occassion.  I still snack from time to time as well, but if you're a huge snacker then make sure to use self-control  I pour just a little in a bowl, maybe a portion or so but I wouldn't know because I never measure and stop at that.  You have to be dedicated to it, like I said slip-ups happen and you have to just go with the flow.  Have a realistic diet.  I still eat just about everything I ate before I decided to get healthy but I eat smaller portions and i cook it differently.  Do you love chicken?  bake it.  Are you a sucker for gravies?  Find different ways to get your gravy but without all the fat you don't want.  I've changed my cooking habits and I've -seen- results.  I've also found if you cut stuff up into smaller pieces you'll eat less.  And above all else remember: When you lose lbs you don't lose inches, when you lose inches you don't lose lbs.  And you tend to lose water weight first.  Choosing to become healthy is no easy task, it takes commitment and dedication.  You have to want to change in order to be able to change.  Smaller steps mean bigger results, if you go into this expecting to be able to change over night you're being un-realistic and you will most likely cause yourself more grief than happiness.  Work at one thing at a time.  I didn't set my goal of a lb a week until I got other things under control.  So start out with maybe walking 5 extra minutes than you usually do, or maybe by not eating that extra cookie.  In the end if you stick it out you'll feel better. And in the end you have to have a goal and a why.  What is the goal you want to reach?  Is it a pant size?  Is it a weight?  And why do you want to do it?  Is it for yourself? Or your family? And always remember everyone is different.  Just because one person can drop 20 lbs in 3 weeks doesn't mean you can.  Slow and steady wins the race, the slower you lose the weight the more likely you are to keep it off.  I have a wider frame, so I know that I may not reach say 130 lbs.  My goals however are to be back into my pre-pregnancy clothes.  I know it takes time for my hips to realign, and I am prepared for that.  Once I reach my pre-pregnancy clothes if I am happy there I might stop, otherwise I might push myself to go a little further.  The why is for myself and for my son.  I want to be healthy so I can chase my son around and not get winded easily and I want to set a good example as far as eating habits go.  Now let me explain I'm not excessively over-weight. According to a bmi (body mass index) test I need to lose roughly 30 lbs.  However, I have a wide frame, so I may not be able to have the weight the bmi suggests.  However as a child I was diagnosed with asthma.  I haven't been re-tested for it since then but I have had an asthma attack and I do sometimes have difficulty breathing. I do notice though the healthier I get the easier it is to breath when doing strenuous activities.  The best way to lose weight and stick to an exercise routine is to find something you enjoy doing.  I take my son for at least a mile walk every morning(mostly because that's all he'll let me do before he gets fussy and two it's way too hot right now to have him out for too long), he loves it and I love it.  It's a small start but it's a realistic goal.  My husband and i went walking about two weeks ago and did about 8 miles in roughly 2 hours.  BUT I pushed myself way too hard and paid for it for 3 days.  But it was worth it.  Then I usually do an exercise dvd.  there are all sorts of ways to lose the weight doing activities you love. Remember, you can exercise all you want to, but if afterwards you fill up on cakes and cookies and fried foods and all sorts of stuff that you know is really bad for you it won't do you any good.  I like to think of my body as a machine: What I put into it is what I get out of it.  If I load it up on sugar, I'm not going to get much as it needs much more than that.  So if you find yourself craving something and you're finding yourself in short supply of self control: jsut ask yourself if it's the right fuel?  If it isn't try to find a healthy indulgence. For instance: Craving something sweet but don't want cookies or cake?  try apples and peanut butter?  Want icecream?  Can you stomach frozen yogurt?  try the reduced fat or no added sugar. Compromise with yourself, so you still get what you want but you can also feel good about it.  If you're happy the way you are and you don't care what people think about you.  More power to you, and this blog is not for you. =) In the end stick it out and hang in there.  And once you do reach your goal, don't stop exercising and fall back into old habits.   I've found that I -love- to exercise now it increases my patience, seems to make me happier and I just feel good about myself all around.  Good luck! And hope this helps!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, welcome to Blogspot sweetie :) Your blog looks so cute; I have your blog in my Blogger Dashboard, so I'll look forward to your entries too :)
